Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunsets over the Great Salt Lake

One of the prettiest sights in the Salt Lake area is watching the sun go down over the Great Salt Lake. Watching the sun go down with the array of  colors in oranges, reds, yellows, golds, blues, and green is something worth watching. The colors touch the water and the islands with such grace and beauty it is in away like getting a hug from our Father in Heaven.
When I take time to watch I am reminded that Heavenly Father loves beauty.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Nana's garden

Beauty of the earth.

A few weeks ago I was asked to take pictures of the my parents yard by my mothers. Here are a few pictures.

Windsong defender of the gardens.

Windsong defender of our gardens. She has a bit of a routine of what parts of the garden she checks out. I was watching her one day and she would run and check out one section of the garden and then go to the next part of the garden. She sometimes goes into stealth mode which is a lot of fun to watch.

We have humming birds that visit our plants out back and Windsong watches but makes not attempt to catch them, for which everyone in the household is very grateful.

We are so blessed to have her as part of the family. We had a really bad mouse problem but she has taken care of it. My parents take care of her when I am away and to them I am very grateful. We take care of her and she takes care of us.